A Short history of the world in English ①: Ancient Greek and Roman era

A Short history of the world in English ①: Ancient Greek and Roman era


B.C. 紀元前 Before Christ ⇔ AD 紀元 (Anno Domini”というラテン語)

(4th century BC:紀元前4世紀:紀元前400年~紀元前301年。


1st century 紀元1世紀:1年~100年。20th century : 20世紀:1901年~2000年)

Ancient 古代の、昔の

Greece ギリシャ

Athens アテネ

Ancient Greece : BC 8th century~ BC 4th century~

In Greece, from around the 8th century BC, a number of independent

city-states (polis) were established throughout Greece.

Two city-states (polis) were especially powerful: the city-state of

Athens and the city-state of Sparta.

Ancient Greek civilization reached its peak between the

5th and 4th centuries BC.



Mediterranean Sea 地中海

transition 移り変わり、移行、変遷、変化

republic 共和国

empire 帝国

suppress  抑圧する、鎮圧する、抑える


Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome dominated the entire Mediterranean Sea by the end of

the 1st century B.C., and in 27 B.C. The Roman Empire transitioned

from a republic to an empire, becoming the Roman Empire.

The Roman Empire was divided into East and West in 395 AD.

During this time, Christianity penetrated into the Roman Empire,

and although it was severely suppressed at first, the number of

believers gradually increased and it became the state religion in 392.

放課後の夕焼け: ⑭ ローマ帝国(4) 帝国の分裂